Wordpress Development

WordPress is one of the finest Content Management Systems (CMS) available on the Internet. It was launched back in 2003 bringing a revolution in the field of web development. Starting from a non-tech guy to an expert developer, everyone can use it to make a WordPress website. According to Renne Shupe, more than 60% of […]

Metaboxes are one of the finest features that WordPress provides. You can get the data from the post / page creator by the Metabox as like you get in the WordPress editor. Here, with the metaboxes the page creator can easily add the required data and it could be displayed anywhere on the page using […]

Highrise and WordPress, both are the most used applications in their own fields. Integrating Highrise with WordPres can bring in automation, reduce the human efforts and prove to be more advantageous. Unfortunately, there is no ready-made plugin available, that can enable this efficiently. Here in this post, we will make a plugin that integrates the […]